One of the earliest toasters patented was one
invented by Henry Knoblock. I do not know if Henry is related to my family (Knoblock means garlic in German and frequently a surname was adopted by unrelated people who worked on the same farm). It is apparently the
first of its kind and the model for all later
toasters designed to sit on the burner of a home
stove or range and for those folding metal toasters
popular with campers. It sold in mail order catalogs
of the early 1900s. Lithographs of the Knoblock
Toaster appear in the Butler catalog.
If you have ever used one of those portable metal
toasters designed for camping, then you should be
somewhat familiar with how the Knoblock Toaster
works. Most camping toasters use the wire frame to
hold the bread slices but do not have the pyramid
shaped center pylon. This usually is so the supports
can be folded down for carrying in a backpack. The
Knoblock Toaster was meant to be used on a stove
The Knoblock toaster circa 1920s.

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