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The Scenic Daguerreotype : Romanticism and Early Photography

Author: John Wood

Description: Hardcover

Anyone who loves the daguerreotype or who wants to gain an understanding of early scenic photography will enjoy this book. Topographical views would eventually become the province of the mass-produced stereo card. The carte de visite was employed for scenic views and in the following years the Cabinet and Boudoir styles displayed outdoor scenes. The Promenade photograph was designed around activities like promenading and bicycling. But before that the daguerreotype recorded the first views of Niagra Falls and other famous and exotic points of interest. The daguerreotype presents a unique image and offers a rare glimpse into the early development of topographical views. The cover photograph illustrates the interest in photographing the world's great architectural scenes, such as the Acropolis. Photographers were attracted to romantic and powerful sites like the Cathedral of Notre Dame. This early romanticism was at odds with the camera's ability to record too much detail, commonplace items such as carts in the street interfered with the photographer's romantic vision. Published by the Univ. of Iowa Press.

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